Buyers routinely have property inspections performed for obvious reasons, but why are pre-sale property inspections also important for sellers? Building and pest inspections allow sellers to uncover any issues with their property. Whether it is mould, leaking pipes, pests and termites, issues with electrical wiring, or water damage, property inspections give you a clear picture of your property. As a result, it can set the basis for a more successful sale.
Having property inspections performed before listing provides you, the seller, with a lot of advantages. You will have a clear understanding of the property’s current condition and be able to predict future costs of repairs and replacement.
You will go into the sale armed with a realistic take on your property’s condition and its market value. Property inspections also give you peace of mind when it comes to eliminating unexpected discoveries by the buyer with their checks. All of these advantages can help you attract more buyers and transact more smoothly and quickly.
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