Top Tips to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Homeowners who invest in ‘green’ living are not just helping to save the planet but could be boosting the value of their property. 🌱 🌎Remember, even little steps can make a big difference in protecting our wonderful environment. Upgrading to solar panels and investing in smart-home technology could have a positive impact on both the environment and your power bills. Even simple steps such as adding a compost or vegetable garden may make your property more appealing to buyers when it comes time to sell. ♻️

  1. Be More Energy Efficient. Lighting makes up around 10% of the average household electricity consumption. Replace halogen bulbs with LEDs and install sensors.
  2. Think About Solar. Households use 30-50% of the electricity produced by solar panels. The rest is exported back to the grid with energy providers giving credit to offset bills.
  3. Stop Wasting Water. Rainwater harvesting is key. Tanks allow this natural resource to be collected and used in toilets, washing machines and the garden.
  4. Heating and Cooling. Underfloor heating is not just a luxury but also reduces emissions – and even better, it can be retrofitted.
  5. Go Green When Building. Sustainable building materials can be more affordable. Look for green thermal insulation, recycled metal and reclaimed wood.
  6. Recycle and Reuse. Create a home system to sort waste quickly. Separated into five categories – soft plastics, food waste, glass/paper, and hazardous materials.

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