Empowering Homeownership: 8 Ways to Help Your Adult Kids Afford A House

Empowering Homeownership: 8 Ways to Help Your Adult Kids Afford A House

The cost of living paired with the current housing market has made it even more difficult for young people to afford their first home. Supportive parents or guardians may want to help assist their adult children, aspiring First Home Buyers, to enter the housing market but are not sure how. 

Here are some tangible and beneficial ways parents can contribute to their children’s housing aspirations to make the dream of home ownership more of a reality.

1. Lend them money

2. Provide personal guarantees

3. Joint venture

4. Education – the earlier, the better

5. Encourage children to become “RENTVESTORS™ and think interstate

6. Take advantage of the First Home Buyers Grant (FHOG)

7. Match your kids’ savings

8. Provide rent-free living

To read more, visit the article here.

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